Feng Shui for the Seasons: The Season of Summer

There is nothing like the mood of summer. Time moves at a slower pace, or so it seems. We tend to get closer to the earth by walking barefoot in the freshly cut grass, or lie down in the green grass which allows Mother Nature to absorb the toxic energy we’ve collected. (Try this, it works). Ever wonder why small children like to roll around in the grass?
There is also a sense of freedom in the summer. A sense that we are at ease with this season. But don’t let summer fool you, with the fiery red energy of summer it is important to stay grounded during this time.
Below are some tips for feng shui in the Summer season:
* the days are longer and evenings are softer
* we wear less clothing and tend to feel more freedom, we spend more time outdoors
* we tend to stretch ourselves a little bit both physically and mentally
* we tend to eat lighter foods, consume more vegetables
* we stargaze and connect with the water element more than any other season
* lighten up your space by putting things away – you’ll feel more freedom
* tend to your outdoor space and spend more time in the garden or on the patio
* use an indoor waterfall to enhance the season of summer
* a time to honor all the material things that serve you well by keeping them in clean and orderly condition, especially your car
* start the summer season with a good body detox or cleanse
* be tender with your heart and your skin, the energy of the sun is very fiery which can result in anger, moodiness, and accidents
* consume less or no alcohol and caffeine,
* add more fruit and vegetables to your diet and use herbs such as mint, lime, lemon, and saffron which are all excellent for summer energy
* take care of your skin from head to toe, coconut oil is good for summer body care
* wear a hat and sunglasses when outdoors, wear light-weight clothing such as : cotton, silk, or linen
Avoid fiery colors like red, orange, yellow, and black which attracts heat. Instead wear gentle and mild colors to help you stay cool. Blues, white, greens and purple are all great choices for the summer, and the same goes for your indoor colors as well. Have fun and stay grounded!
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Feng Shui for the Seasons: The Season of Summer