November – A Perfect Month to Begin Setting Goals for Next Year

One of the ways to get a jump on the New Year is begin goal setting in November. By setting goals in November, you’ll find the holidays more relaxing and have the mental space to truly be grateful for all that you currently have in your life. You may even find that you are excited to begin accomplishing your goals. But before you begin your goal setting process, start with listing your accomplishments from this current year which could be anything from weight loss, to spending more time outdoors, settling into a relationship, or changing some financial habits.

Be kind with yourself if you didn’t come close to achieving some of your goals. If there is some hesitancy with some long standing goal, begin with the understanding that you are going to be your first roadblock to completing your goal. You have to get past yourself. There will be some hard work along the way. Understand this truth. Stay positive, be kind, give yourself pep talks, and surround yourself with people who are positive.

Figure out a path to executing your goal. Everyone’s path to success is a little different. It comes down to holding yourself accountable. Start small. Do smaller pieces of the equation and go from there—consistency and discipline are the key.

Know your values. If life balance is key, setting a goal that requires 100% of all your energy may not be realistic. If you have a goal that requires 50-70% of your energy, this may be more doable for you. Ask yourself: what do I value? Make your list and adjust your goals accordingly.

Visit your goal daily! Keep your goal on your cell phone, in your pocket, etc. Look at it often, then do one thing every day that adds up to another thing and this will move you toward your goal. For example, if you want to save for a house, look every day at houses. Visualize or make a list of the must-haves for your new home. Consider designs, landscaping, colors, etc. Meet with a financial advisor. Don’t be surprised if you come across the perfect designer, landscaper, colorist, or financial advisor to help you when you purchase your home. “Energy flows where your attention goes.”

Motivation and discipline are different for everyone. Some individuals are better at some things than others. If you are the type of person who works better in a team environment, consider getting an accountability partner who can help you stay motivated. If you like rewards, give yourself small rewards along the way. Know what motivates you!

Act as if you’ve already accomplished the goal. See yourself and feel yourself as you would if you have reached your goal. This will keep you in the most positive energy possible. Feel the joy! Be in gratitude.

With Harmony,
