I love autumn.
Growing up in the Midwest with an active, athletic family, I loved, and still love, being in the beauty of autumn: the crunching sound of fallen leaves under my feet, the smell of a burning fire, cashmere sweaters, and football season.
Fall is a time for gathering. It is also a time for shedding as leaves start falling off the trees in preparation for winter hibernation. Nature gets quieter, sunsets are softer.
If we take our clues from nature we will find this is the best time to purge our own stuff. Spring is for cleaning, but fall is for purging. Spending as much time as you can in the months of, September, October, and early November, cleaning out, organizing, and purging inventory in garages, closets, basements, under sinks, home offices and home files. This time in autumn will help prepare for a calmer holiday season.
Below are some tips for feng shui in the fall season:
- time of gathering
- time of bounty
- time to shed and purge
- days are shorter
- Rotate out your summer clothes into your fall clothing.
- Rotate your seasonal items in the garage. Put away summer items, bring in fall items.
- Fall is the best time to purge old items by giving them away or tossing them, or repairing them.
- Change out decorator accessories to reflect the colors of fall. For example, decorator pillows and sofa throws can be rotated to earthy colors.
- Begin fall (as with all seasons) with a good body detox. You can find detoxes that are specifically designed for the fall season.
- Internal parts of the body that are extra sensitive during the early fall season are the stomach, pancreas, and the spleen. In the late fall the body areas that are most sensitive are the lungs and large intestine.
- Fall is the time of year when we tend to have a metal imbalance. Make sure you are getting enough magnesium and other metals. Have your blood checked by a qualified professional for any deficiencies.
- Focus on peace and calm by increasing your meditation time. If you are feeling anxiety breathe deeply into the feeling of peace.
- Since we’re in the season of gathering, consider participating in volunteer work.
- Late summer and early fall are represented by the color golden yellow, shades of orange, reds, and browns. Look to the many colors you find in nature during this season.
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